Estrella Mountain Custom Lots
Your home. Your way. If you’re like some of us, you’ve always dreamed of building the home of your dreams. It’s still possible in Estrella Mountain Ranch, the only community with a custom home gated neighborhood in the West Valley.
Offering large home sites averaging one-half acre, Sonoran Vistas presents thirty-two home sites with panoramic views to the north of Goodyear and the White Tank Mountains. Hidden Hills is situated along the gently sloping Estrella foothills with the desert flora and fauna providing the backdrop for fifteen home sites.
We also have many custom lots available in the non gated areas of Estrella Mountain in the “Summit” and “Trails” off of Estrella Parkway on the east side of the road. In addition, we have many more custom lots by South Lake many with Mountain views and some with Lake and Mountain views.
Please Call John Deutsch 480-256-8688
Estrella still has many custom homes sites still available, gated and non-gated. Estrella Mountain custom lots range from quarter acre up to two acres. Below is a chart showing minimum home size per lot size.
The minimum livable square footage for each residence on a lot, excluding garages, porches and
detached buildings, shall be as follows:
Any changes to the minimum size requirements may be submitted to the DRC for approval at the
Pre-Design Conference.
Estrella Mountain Custom Lots Active Listings
Custom Home Guidelines
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Custom Home Guidelines 2018.10.1 Final Approved Doc
The More You Know: It’s Snake Season
With more people getting outdoors to take advantage of the state’s warm, spring weather, it’s important to keep in mind that 13 species of rattlesnakes also call Arizona home.
April is typically an active month for rattlesnakes, as they come out of hibernation. As the days become increasingly hot, though, usually around early May, rattlesnakes tend to move around more at night.
Depending on location, the species that are encountered most often are the Western diamondback, sidewinder, Mojave and black-tailed rattlesnake.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department offers these important snake safety tips:
Watch your step at home
Rattlesnakes can easily blend in with their surroundings, so always be mindful where you place your feet and hands. Carry a flashlight at night, especially on warmer nights when rattlesnakes can be most active.
Stay on the trail
Encounters with rattlesnakes and other venomous reptiles can take place anywhere, but they are more likely to occur when you leave a marked trail or wander away from a heavily traveled area. Always stay on marked trails and be aware of your surroundings.
When encountering a rattlesnake, remember that the reptile is more concerned with being left alone. Back away from the rattlesnake, give it a wide berth, and continue on your way. An agitated rattlesnake will often hold its ground but will not give chase.
If a rattlesnake bite occurs:
• Remain calm and reassure the victim.
• Call 911 and seek medical attention without delay.
• Remove all jewelry, watches, etc. from the affected area.
• Immobilize the extremity and keep at level below the heart.
• Decrease total body activity as is feasible.
What NOT to do if a rattlesnake bite occurs:
• Do NOT apply ice to the bite area.
• Do NOT use an incision of any kind.
• Do NOT use a constriction band or tourniquet.
• Do NOT administer alcohol or drugs.
Leaving a rattlesnake alone can significantly reduce the risk of being bitten. In fact, more than half of all rattlesnake bites are provoked by the person who was bitten. For additional information and resources about rattlesnake bites, contact the Arizona Poison Drug and Information Center at 1-800-222-1222.
Estrella Mountain Custom Lots