Homes In Estrella Mountain For Sale
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Please Call John Deutsch 480-256-8688
Homes In Estrella Mountain For Sale
The More You Know…Bulk Trash Edition
We receive many questions about bulk trash, when to put it out and how to place it. Essentially, bulk trash is waste that is too large to fit into your regular trash or recycling container. When the City of Goodyear comes to Estrella Mountain to pick up bulk trash items (with the exception of furniture and appliances) must be no larger than the size of a 3’x3’x6′ kitchen table, and of a shape and size that two employees can safely lift without breaking. Not sure when bulk trash will be picked up in your neighborhood? Please review this BULK TRASH ZONE MAP to determine when bulk trash will be picked up in your neighborhood. Here are some helpful hints from the City of Goodyear when determining what should go out on Bulk Trash Collection Day…
•All objects should be cut to 4′ lengths.
•Grass clippings placed out for bulk collection must be double bagged or in sealed cardboard boxes.
•Glass items or items with a cutting edge or point, such as cacti, must be placed in sealed boxes and clearly labeled to prevent injury to workers.
•Place bulk trash in the street, next to the curb in front of your property. Do not place bulk materials in any manner that will interfere with or be hazardous to pedestrians or vehicles. All items should be placed away from electrical boxes, cable boxes, mailboxes, poles, water meters and existing landscape.
•Bulk material should be set out after 6:00 p.m. on the day preceding collection, but may be set out up to seven days prior to the customer’s scheduled bulk collection day. Bulk material set out after 6:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day may not be serviced. Please remember to clean up small debris that may remain after collection. Thank you! The following items will NOT be accepted for collections:
•Household trash
•Hazardous materials
•Large auto parts
•Dirt or mulch large glass items, such as:
•Material from construction repair or demolition, such as:
•Roofing materials
•Concrete…should you have any questions regarding bulk trash; please call the City of Goodyear’s Utilities Customer Service at 623-882-7887.
Click Here To See More Reviews or Post One of Your Own

When we bought a home in Estrella Mountain Ranch, we were impressed with the service as we needed to wait a while but John kept us informed of new listings and he went way beyond the call of duty to get our home closed. He is very honest. We really appreciated the professional service.

Hey John, You is one cool cat. The Anderson's talked you up so much that I thought I was in for a major letdown. I was sooo wrong. You exceeded my expectations. First, when the listing agent and seller tried to pull a fast one on us, I wasn’t even aware of what was going on, but yet you quickly exposed them, and from that moment on, I knew you were my guy. I know it took me a little while to find the right home, but I am very appreciative of your patience with me. I couldn’t have done this without you. I enjoyed the search together. You are very funny and smart. I am sure your wife is thankful to have you. I know I would be (wink-wink). I will refer you to everyone I know. Luv Whitney

Hi Johnny, From the very first time I heard your voice message, until I had my keys in my hand, I couldn't stop smiling. Caring, funny, and smart that is you - Johnny D. The chance that I'd come across someone with such qualities is not very high, therefore, I consider meeting you a blessing. Together and in a very short time we found me a home, which I call our castle, something I always wished for. Because of that and all the talks we had I can't thank you enough. You are a "package," so keep it up! The combination of smarts and care is the best way to success. At the end of the day we made a business deal. What separates you from others is that the process was an enjoyable adventure. Many thanks and love, Kiana and Sarka. P.S. Jerry is another blessing. Thank you.
For more information on these homes or other homes Homes In Estrella Mountain For Sale, contact John Deutsch today.